Party Girl
Lisa has always been at the top. Top of her class in college, top of her class in Law School, and her plan was to be top of the legal profession. That is, until the job market gets so badthat she ends up having to take a gig as a children’s birthday party princess to make ends meet. After getting laid off as a legal secretary—already a humiliating job for a law school phenom—Lisa is forced to make some tough choices in order to make rent. Her roommate Tina hasit easy, getting paid to take pictures of herself on Instagram. But it won’t be easy for Lisa.She answers a bunch of help-wanted ads, each worse than the last. When she finally isoffered a job as the party princess, she figures it can’t be that weird, and takes the job.Little does she know how weird it will be. Each day is a walk on the freaky side and Lisa andher misfit co-workers descend on different locations to entertain the children of LosAngeles. And sometimes the only thing weirder than their job is the people they work for. Noone ever said it was easy making an honest living.
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